I joined the Florida Pirate Festival this year. http://piratefair.com/
Now that they have me, they have been trying to teach me how to act and stage fight. They have cast me as Captain Henry Jennings which I am pretty excited about. I haven't actually fought anyone, but then again they are doing a good job of keeping me away from other people and sharp objects. They might be pirates but they ain't dumb.
Some of the Pirates will be appearing this week at the Safety Harbor Renaissance Night, Friday September 19th, 2008. This is a fun (albeit small: yet FREE) Renaissance Fair. I went last year and enjoyed it greatly. I suggest that you come out and also enjoy it. These will be different Pirates (same actors) than who will be at the Florida Pirate Festival, November 21st -- 23rd, 2008 at Vinoy Park, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Watch me try to act.
And if that is not enough, Jen Shumilak http://www.myspace.com/morrisdance & David Waterman http://www.voiceoveraudio.com/ will be there as "For Love Or Money" http://flom-music.com. And we all know that they are entertaining, even if I am not, but don't say that, I will have a sword (or more) I am a Pirate after all.
See Safety Harbor's web site for more details:
Here is me trying on Pirate Captain coats:

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